JUMPA Journal of Community Engagement Paguntaka is a scholarly publication that features results from community engagement activities in the fields of Social Sciences, Education, Sciences, Sports, Language, Business and Economics, Management, Border Areas, and Underdeveloped Regions that have not been previously published. This publication's code of publication ethics represents an agreement among all parties involved in the publication process of JUMPA Journal of Community Engagement Paguntaka, including administrators, editors, reviewers, and authors. The code of ethics for scientific publication adheres to the Regulation of the Head of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) No. 5 of 2014 regarding the Code of Ethics for Scientific Publications. Ethical publication practices emphasize three ethical values in publication:

a) Neutrality, which involves avoiding conflicts of interest in publication management.

b) Fairness, which entails granting authorship rights to those who deserve them.

c) Honesty, which prohibits duplication, fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism (DF2P) in publications.

Responsibilities of Journal Administrators

  1. Determining the journal's name, scope, periodicity, accreditation submissions as needed, and establishing the editorial board membership.

  2. Defining the relationships between the publisher, editor, peer reviewers, and other relevant parties in a contractual agreement.

  3. Respecting confidentiality, including for contributing researchers, authors, editors, and peer reviewers.

  4. Enforcing norms and regulations regarding intellectual property rights, especially copyright.

  5. Developing journal policy guidelines and disseminating them to authors, editors, peer reviewers, and readers.

  6. Creating rules and ethical guidelines for editor and peer reviewer behavior and ensuring the regular publication of the journal.

  7. Providing financial resources for the journal's sustainability.

  8. Establishing collaborative networks with research institutions, relevant agencies, and preparing necessary permits and legal aspects.

Responsibilities of Editors

  1. Bridging the needs of readers and authors and continuously improving publication quality.

  2. Implementing processes to ensure the quality of published works.

  3. Upholding freedom of expression and preserving the academic integrity of authors' records.

  4. Providing corrections, clarifications, and apologies when necessary.

  5. Being responsible for the style and format of scientific writing, while authors are responsible for the content of published works.

  6. Actively seeking feedback from authors, readers, peer reviewers, and editorial board members to improve publication quality.

  7. Periodically conducting internal evaluations of the journal's scientific quality.

  8. Maintaining an open-minded attitude towards new opinions or opposing viewpoints for the advancement of knowledge.

  9. Encouraging authors to make improvements to their work until it is suitable for publication and welcoming author initiatives regarding publication ethics by including a client form with each manuscript submission.

  10. Avoiding subjective decisions by not upholding personal opinions.

Responsibilities of Peer Reviewers

  1. Reviewing manuscripts, providing review results to the editor as a basis for determining the eligibility of a manuscript for publication, and suggesting improvements based on established standards.

  2. Peer reviewers should not review manuscripts in which they have a personal involvement.

  3. Offering advice and positive recommendations for scientific manuscript submissions.

  4. Preserving the privacy of authors by not disseminating corrections, advice, and recommendations for a manuscript and encouraging authors to make improvements.

  5. Reviewing manuscripts promptly according to the publication environment's guidelines, including data collection methods, author legality, conclusions, and other criteria established.

Responsibilities of Authors

  1. Ensuring that all individuals listed as authors meet the criteria for authorship.

  2. Sharing collective responsibility for the work and content of the article, including methods, analysis, calculations, and providing detailed information.

  3. Explaining the source of resources (including funding), whether direct or indirect.

  4. Detailing efforts to improve the research.

  5. Professionally and promptly considering comments made by peer reviewers and the editorial board.

  6. Informing the editor in writing if they intend to withdraw their manuscript.

  7. Making a statement that the submitted manuscript is original, has not been previously published anywhere, in any language, and is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.